Implementation of IMPACT World+ in openLCA

About the project

Background: IMPACT World+ is a globally regionalized method for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), integrating multiple state-of-the-art developments as well as damages on water and carbon areas of concern within a consistent LCIA framework. IMPACT World+ is the update of the IMPACT 2002+, LUCAS, and EDIP methods and is based on a midpoint-damage framework. Most of the regional impact categories have been spatially resolved and all the long-term impact categories have been subdivided between shorter-term damages (integration of impacts before the 100 years after the emission) and long-term damages (impacts after the 100 years after the emission).

In practice: The implementation of IMPACT World+ in the openLCA software is a collaboration between CIRAIG and GreenDelta. The method is available at two level indicators: midpoint indicators and damage indicators (image below). Two versions will be implemented in openLCA: a version compatible with conventional LCIA calculation and a version allowing regionalized LCIA calculation as available in openLCA (including maps).


GreenDelta in the project

GreenDelta, in collaboration with CIRAIG, is responsible for implementation of the methods into the openLCA software. The methods have been integrated to be fully compatible for use with all the life cycle inventory databases, with the exception of input-output databases, ökobaudat, and GaBi LCI databases. The implemented methods will be made available in both zolca and JSON-LD formats, therefore, they can be directly imported in openLCA to be used with any of the compatible LCI databases.

CIRAIG in the project

Established in 2001, the International Reference Centre for the Life Cycle of Products, Processes and Services (CIRAIG) is a centre of expertise in life cycle issues internationally recognized for its solid scientific research work and its numerous years of applied experience. The CIRAIG supports industry, governments, organizations and consumers in their path towards a true sustainable development supported by life cycle thinking.

Links and resources

Bulle, C., Margni, M., Patouillard, L., Boulay, A., Bourgault, G., De Bruille, V., … Jolliet, O. (2019). IMPACT World+: a globally regionalized life cycle impact assessment method. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 24(9), 1653–1674.