EU 7th FP research projectAbout the project
Nano3Bio is an international scientific project in the field of biotechnology. Its goal is the exploration and biotechnological production of so-called chitosans, which are used as raw materials for medicine, agriculture, water treatment, cosmetics, paper and textile industries as well as many other fields of application. Nano3Bio aims at a breakthrough from basic research to biotechnological production of chitosans.
GreenDelta in the project
It is interesting to investigate whether biobased products for highly demanding applications, like medical treatment or cosmetics, are indeed beneficial also from an environmental perspective. Nano3Bio has a dedicated work package for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), to this end. In the project, GreenDelta performs e.g. an LCA of the biotechnological production of chitooligosaccharides (COS), with openLCA. Together with the project partner in the sustainability work package, 2.-0 LCA consultants, impacts of different production routes of COS and chitosans are assessed and compared.
Links and resources
Project duration: 2013-2017.
Project website with a lot of more content: http://www.nano3bio.eu/
Peer-reviewed article about the LCA work in the project, open access: Muñoz, I., Rodríguez, C., Gillet, D. et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2017): Life cycle assessment of chitosan production in India and Europe