Next generation of extruded HVDC cables and cable systemsAbout the project

The NEWGEN project is to develop and introduce new insulation materials, cable manufacturing solutions, real-time condition monitoring, and reliable tools for the next generation of extruded HVDC cables and cable systems.
NEWGEN will deliver new space charge mitigating additives for extruded HVDC insulation materials, as well as new industrial cable extrusion solutions for defect-free and cost-effective manufacturing of next-generation thermoplastic HVDC cables.
The key outcomes are:
- New space charge mitigating additives for extruded HVDC insulation materials, and cable extrusion solutions for the next generation of defect-free thermoplastic HVDC cables (10th and 11th specific scope topics),
- Online global condition monitoring and novel pre-fault detection methods for extruded HVDC cable systems
- Tools and models for life and reliability evaluation of extruded HVDC cable systems (cable, joints, and terminations) under realistic operation conditions within HVAC/-AC grids
The project goes under the call of HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02 “Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply”.
HVDC underground and submarine cables constitute an essential technology for the long-distance transmission of electrical power with minimal losses, thereby enabling European decarbonization and reaching climate neutrality by 2050 in accordance with the European Green Deal. Increased physical interconnections via HVDC cable links across Europe will facilitate the grid-integration of renewable energy sources (RES) to provide clean energy, create a more competitive European transmission system, and reduce electricity prices for consumers and businesses.
Extruded HVDC cables with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), and more recently also thermoplastic polypropylene (PP)- based insulation, represent a new generation of HVDC cables, offering several benefits over conventional mass impregnated (MI) HV cables such as mechanical robustness, easier installation due to less complex jointing, lower weight and lower price, thus making them a very compelling new alternative especially for on-shore applications typically up to ±320 kV with a capacity of 800–1,000 MW nowadays.
However, while extruded HVDC cables will be a key technology moving into the future, expanding their utilization to higher power transmission capacity and ensuring their reliable operation over the expected lifetime of up to 40 years still requires new technological innovations. The reliability of the HVDC cables and systems is crucial for the reliability and resilience of the whole transmission grid, to ensure satisfactory firewall properties against disturbances in the hybrid AC/DC network, and to foster the massive integration of remote renewables into the grid.
GreenDelta in the project
GreenDelta is one of the main contributors to the project, providing expertise in sustainability and LCA. Out task is to conduct the sustainability assessment and LCA analysis of extruded HVDC cables, including novel additive materials.
The life cycle analysis (LCA) is to be performed including the beginning-of-life (BoL) aspects for material sustainability (including the new space charge mitigating additives) and HVDC cable extrusion process, covering the full life cycle, including end-of-life (EoL).
The LCA requires consideration of cable design aspects from the sustainability point-of-view, and preliminary evaluation of the influence of the insulation material and its dielectric/thermal/mechanical properties on the overall carbon footprint of the cable system during operation (including e.g. dielectric and conductor losses).
The parties working on this project are:

Links and resources
Project duration: October 2022 – September 2026
The project is funded by the European Union under HORIZON.2.5.3 – Energy System and Grids.
Project website:
Check out the introductory video