NOCARBforging 2050

A user-friendly carbon footprint calculator for Solid Forming

About the project


NOCARBforging 2050 is an initiative by the German Association for Solid Forming (Industrieverband Massivumformung e.V.) which aims to provide a user-friendly carbon-footprint tool for their members. It is supposed to be used by people who are neither experts in life cycle assessments nor carbon footprints in particular. Thus, the aim is to develop a web-based tool which follows a pre-defined LCA scope and guides the user through the pre-defined process steps. Further, it will include a pre-defined selection of datasets for the background, with primary data from material manufacturers and machine manufacturers.


Creating carbon footprints with usual LCA software can be time-intensive, especially for non-expert users. The German solid forming industry comprises many SMEs which so far often don´t have a position dedicated to sustainability topics only. At the same time, the mitigation of CO2 and other greenhouse gases becomes an important topic due to scientific findings, and the political and societal discussions. The customers of the forming industry, mainly automotive, has not yet established standards for the carbon footprints for their suppliers. In order to yet be able to deliver KPIs for the carbon intensity of their products, the need for a quantitative basis for evaluating improvement measures, and for shaping the discussion towards common supplier standards, the association has decided to provide a carbon footprint calculation tool to its members.

GreenDelta in the project

In the first stage, GreenDelta is leading the working group for elaborating a Goal & Scope framework for the tool, including the discussion on methodological choices such as allocation, system boundaries etc.

Based on the experience from previous projects (e.g. easyEPD), in the second stage, GreenDelta will perform the complete development of the web tool.

Links and resources

Project duration: 2020 – 2021