FLEXBY Flexible and advanced biofuel technology through an innovative microwave pyrolysis & hydrogen-free hydrodeoxygenation process About the project Advancing Sustainable Biofuels with Innovative, Cost-Efficient Solutions FLEXBY aims to develop advanced biofuels...
EasyDC-FOS Towards a wide-spread HVDC-based power system enabled by new highly efficient cable & fibre optic monitoring systems About the project To achieve a dominant position in renewable energy generation in the EU, it is key to modernise transmission systems to...
STOPP Strategies to prevent and reduce plastic packaging pollution from the food system. About the project At STOPP project, we are aiming to reshape the approach to food plastic packaging by focusing on the “5 Rs”: Refuse, Reduce, Redesign, Reuse, and Recycle. Our...
Hi-BITS High efficiency bifacial thin film chalcogenide solar cells About the project Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cells have achieved an impressive 23 % efficiency when equipped with a metallic back contact, demonstrating excellent stability. CIGS...
RecycleBot Increasing the utilization rate of plastic waste through AI-based combination of manual sorting and micro-automation About the project The RecycleBot project aims to increase the recycling rate of plastic waste by optimizing the sorting process using...