SH2E Sustainable Assessment of Harmonised Hydrogen Energy Systems About the project The SH2E project aimed to create internationally accepted guidelines for the sustainability assessment of fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH). More specifically, these guidelines will be a...
ReCircE Digital Life Cycle Record for the Circular Economy About the project Aim The ReCircE project aims to improve the resource efficiency of material cycles. This goal is to be achieved by combining a digital product description – the “life cycle...
INFINITE Sustainable industrialized envelope solutions for building renovation About the project In a nutshell, INFINITE aims to shape how we design and perform retrofitting of buildings in the future: modular, pre-fabricated and sustainable, with support of digital...
PLEX Plastic litter extension for the ecoinvent database About the project Aim: PLEX is a project to create a plastic litter extension for the ecoinvent database. Background: Plastic litter gained a lot of attention in the last few years, and it is a bit embarrassing...
TripleLink Integration of Circularity & Criticality Indicators About the project Aim: TripleLink aims to develop relevant indicators to measure the circularity of products that will be integrated in three commercial software packages, among them openLCA. Furthermore,...