Data.. for fact-based insights into sustainability and life cycles

Data is the foundation for fact-based, solid sustainability assessment

We create data, adapt and refactor data, and are experienced in collecting, merging and converting data from one source, tool, and IT infrastructure to another, using state-of-the-art, in house tools.

Our expertise:

  • data format specification, adaptation of existing data formats
  • creation and management of datasets and databases for sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment
  • data collection, data collection concept developments, quality assurance of collected data sets
  • review of data sets and data bases, advise on improved quality assurance for data sets and data bases
  • transferring complete LCA data stocks and models from GaBi, Umberto, SimaPro, to openLCA, and from GaBi and Umberto to SimaPro
  • data analyses in raw data and in aggregated LCA data and sustainability data for exploration, outlier and pattern detection
  • uncertainty analyses

Some work results

  • for LCA, JSON-LD “2LD”, innovative data format for LCA and sustainability data that directly links to ontology
  • data migration support for over 30 companies and institutes worldwide meanwhile
  • openLCA format converter, initially created in 2008, open source application
  • PSILCA database, most comprehensive and recent, the only transparent database for social LCA,
  • LCA data machine, currently developed by GreenDelta
  • empirical basis for uncertainty factors in ecoinvent, project commissioned by ecoinvent, with Ciraig, 2012
  • openLCA Nexus, the world’s largest compilation of LCA and sustainability data
  • Conversion of ecoinvent 3 for SimaPro, commissioned by PRé
  • Conversion of the Japanese IDEA database, for use in thinkstep’s GaBi and for openLCA Nexus, commissioned by TCO2 Tokyo

If you are thinking of data collection, migration, curation in LCA and / or sustainability, send us a message and we will discuss details.